Fairy and Snake - Steven Stahlberg Masthead - Tony Geer Astrobiology - Gerhard Hoeberth Emerald City Logo - Sue Mason
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Art by Frank Wu


ConJosé - 1

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Kevin and Cheryl relax at their tableLounge dining - Kevin and Cheryl in a rare relaxed moment at the Menara Morrocan restaurant.


North African chicMarrakesh San José - Menara is a genuinely foreign restaurant.


Kevin's OfficeKevin's office is well equipped to cater for his needs.

Well, actually there is a games area in the Fairmont.


Civic Auditorium signYes, we are official.


Arriving at the conThe inflatables have landed. Look carefully, there is a whole army of inflatable aliens under that saucer.


FunspaceFunspace - Geri Sullivan's collection of inflatables.


Wise menHartwell, Dozois, Brown and Strahan discuss the best SF of 2001.


The Great WashedOpening Ceremonies - the Great Washed sing a hymn to cleanliness.


Tad says...Tad extols the virtues of Worldcon. And yes, he is wearing a tie.


The gavel passethTodd Dashoff passes the gavel of WSFS to Kevin and Tom.


The boys done goodTad applauds from the wings.


The GoHs are hereFrom the left: John Trimble, Bjo Trimble, David Cherry, Vernor Vinge and Ferdinand Feghoot..


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Emerald City - copyright Cheryl Morgan - cheryl@emcit.com
Masthead Art copyright Steven Stahlberg (left) and Gerhard Hoeberth (right)
Additional artwork by Frank Wu & Sue Mason
Designed by Tony Geer
Copyright of individual articles remains with their authors
Editorial assistants: Anne K.G. Murphy & Kevin Standlee