Fairy and Snake - Steven Stahlberg Masthead - Tony Geer Astrobiology - Gerhard Hoeberth Emerald City Logo - Sue Mason
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Art by Frank Wu



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Sorry, couldn't resist this one.


Dressed for a ball. Cathy Holroyd and Teddy in costumes inspired by a truly cringe-making episode of Firefly.


There's a lot of work gone into making that dress look quite so embarrassing.


Teddy looks splendidly dapper.


Here's a view of the waistcoat ("vest" to you Americans).


"November - brown leaves and scarlet poppies", a nice piece of chaos costuming by Shiela McAulay-Jordon. Good presentation too. She found a leaf to drop while on stage.


Here we start on the historical costumes. This is Nicole Kipar looking very splendid as a1680's French Gentleman. There is some background about the costume on Nicole's web site.


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Emerald City - copyright Cheryl Morgan - cheryl@emcit.com
Masthead Art copyright Steven Stahlberg (left) and Gerhard Hoeberth (right)
Additional artwork by Frank Wu & Sue Mason
Designed by Tony Geer
Copyright of individual articles remains with their authors
Editorial assistants: Anne K.G. Murphy & Kevin Standlee